Slater-Maguire Lectures
Strong at the Centre & Open at the Margins
About the Lectures
The Slater-Maguire Lecture Series was established in honour of the Reverend Jim and Barbara Slater and in memory of Ed and Alison Maguire, who through their tireless efforts over many years have worked together to powerfully model dignified, thoughtful Christian leadership and pastoral responsibility. Their passion for people, other cultures, education, God’s creation, poetry and craftsmanship has impacted the life of hundreds of people. Remaining faithful to the Evangelical Anglican heritage they have effectively discharged their duty to guard the Gospel.
We live in an age when the relationship between many Christian communities and the secular world is, unfortunately, one of mutual indifference. Believing that the contributions of Christianity to all aspects of our cultural and intellectual life, including the arts, science, health care, law, education, political thought, are enormous, St. Margaret’s Anglican Church desires to engage in meaningful dialogue with our surrounding culture. The Slater Maguire Lecture Series is part of an effort to dialogue with the wider culture of our age and to speak into it through deep intellectual engagement. The Slater Maguire Lecture Series seeks to offer a generous orthodoxy that is both strong at the centre and open at the margins.
To assist the Parish of St. Margaret’s Anglican Church to realize its goal of re-evangelizing the culture by creating a dialogue about
faith that is both inclusive and accessible.
To create opportunities for the larger Christian and secular communities to commune through deep intellectual engagement, offered through an annual lectureship series.
The Slater-Maguire Lectures’ inaugural lecture was held in 2004 by Prof. Oliver O’Donovan speaking on The Relationship Between Christianity and the Political Realm in 2004. This was followed by Howard Dyck speaking on The Relationship between Christianity and Music in 2005; Prof. Stanley Hauerwas on Medical Ethics and the Art of Dying in 2006; and Prof. Ian Hutchinson on The Telationship Between Christianity and Science in 2007; Margaret Visser speaking on The Gift of Thanks in 2008; Bishop Michael Nazir Ali, speaking on Conviction & Conflict: Islam Christianity & World Order in 2009; Fr. Raymond deSouza speaking on “What’s Love Got To Do With It: Charity and Economics” in 2010.
The Lectures are a gift to the community from St. Margaret’s Church and are offered free of charge. However, we are seeking financial partners to help us in the task of bringing the faith of Jesus Christ to the public square. If you wish to contribute to the lecture series, please use the envelope provided and place it in the basket when passed or give it to one of our greeters on your way out of the building. Gifts over $20 will be receipted for tax purposes.
For more information please visit the website.