
Online Website

 RevGalBlogPals~a supportive community for clergywomen since 2005

Founded in 2005, RevGalBlogPals offers support and resources to women in ordained Christian ministry. Our online community is not limited to bloggers and includes clergywomen, women church professionals, women religious and women discerning a call to Christian ministry, as well as supportive male clergy and lay people. Read the blog post that started RevGalBlogPals in 2005.

We are women and some men, single and married and partnered and divorced and widowed, gay and straight, cis- and transgender, parents and not, clergy and clergy spouses and laypeople, with an age range of 20-something to 70-something, all gathered for one purpose: to be a supportive online community for clergywomen and their friends.

Our members represent many expressions of faith, including Anglican/Church of England; Anglican Church of Canada; Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia; Episcopal; Episcopal Church USA; Assemblies of God; Alliance of Baptists; American Baptist Churches; Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists; Canadian Baptists of Western Canada ; Cooperative Baptist Fellowship; French Baptist Federation (Fédération des Eglises Evangélique Baptistes Francais); Brethren in Christ; Church of the Brethren; Christian Church (Disciples of Christ); Churches of Christ in Christian Union; Christian Methodist Episcopal; Church of God in Christ; National Association of Congregational Christian Churches; Conservative Congregational Christian Conference; Evangelical Lutheran Church in America;Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada; US Mennonite Brethren; Mennonite Church Canada; Mennonite Church USA; The Old Catholic Church, Province of the United States; The (British) Methodist Church; United Methodist Church; Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches; Moravian Church; Church of Scotland; ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians; Cumberland Presbyterian; Presbyterian Church in Canada; Presbyterian Church (USA); Reformed Church in America; United Reformed Church; United Reformed Church (UK); Roman Catholic Church; Society of Friends (Quakers); Swedenborgian Church of North America aka The New Church; Unitarian Universalist Association; United Church of Christ; United Church of Canada; Uniting Church in Australia; Wesleyan; non-denominational and more. Our members are in almost every state in the US from Maine to Florida to California to Alaska, with a big Texas contingent, and we are in Canada, England, Scotland, Finland, France, China, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.



For more information please visit the website.