Nelson Mandela Foundation (The)

Private Bag x70 000
Houghton 2041
South Africa
Phone: +27 11 728 1000
Fax: +27 11 728 1111

The Nelson Mandela Foundation:

“Neson Mandela is a living icon. The Foundation is the vehicle allowing him to continue living out those ideals and values that make him such an icon. It aims, with his encouragement, to remain as the bearer of that legacy, that has so greatly enriched all of us, not only in South Africa, but throughout the world.”

Professor G.J. Gerwel


Social development, especially in HIV/AIDS and education

Peace and reconciliation

Leadership, governance and democracy

Social giving and volunteering

Nelson Mandela:

The conciliator



Leader of social development

Champion of the poor and marginalized

World icon

For more informaiton please visit the website.