Natural Church Development Canada
Natural Church Development (NCD) is a paradigm – a way of thinking about church growth. NCD suggests that quality (health) should precede quantity in church growth thinking. Size itself is no indicator of healthy growth. A healthy church is better able to grow through reproducing disciples, ministries and itself.
NCD is based on extensive international research initially in 1,000 churches in 32 countries on 5 continents. The research uncovered principles promoting healthy growth independent of a church’s denomination, theology, ministry model, liturgical style or size. NCD is principles-based not program based. Over the past 15 years or so, data on church health has been extended to 55,000 churches in 70 countries on 6 continents!Click here to download a 22 page Introduction to Natural Church Development.
NCD uses a long term strategic process for improving the health of churches. It centres on a sophisticated diagnostic tool which provides a unique, accurate and up-to-date assessment of the health of a church in eight quality areas.
Armed with a regular “checkup” of the church’s health, leaders are equipped to:
•refine vision, strategies and goals
•assess the church’s commitment to essential growth values
•focus limited resources for maximum impact on health
•move from a program-based mentality to a principles-based approach
•take a long term strategy for producing lasting health and growth
•grow a church as a living organism rather than merely build a spiritual organisation
Natural Church Development was founded by Christian A. Schwarz, who now heads up the Institute for Natural Church Development International, based in Germany. Over 2,500 surveys have been completed in 1,100 Canadian churches, and Canada represents a leading proponent of NCD globally.
For more information please visit the website.