Welcome to The Labyrinth Society!
This organization, known affectionately as “TLS,” is made up of labyrinth enthusiasts from all over the world. In only six years, well over 800 people have joined TLS; people who walk, build, write about and study labyrinths. There are members who work to place labyrinths in schools and promote labyrinths for use in mainstream healthcare. There are members who write music to use while walking a labyrinth and others who are fascinated by the mathematical challenges labyrinths have to offer.
We hope you will approach our website as you would a labyrinth trusting it to take you where you need to go as it draws you slowly to the center. Here on the website you can become a member, find a list of labyrinth builders or commit to walking a labyrinth every day for a year by joining the 365 Club. You can communicate with other labyrinth enthusiasts via the Forum, download our free screensaver or find out about using labyrinths in educational settings. There is information about the different types of labyrinths and a detailed bibliography section.
Annual Gathering
For more information please visit the website.