The King Center:
The King Center Mission:
Established in 1968 by Mrs. Coretta Scott King, the King Center is the living memorial and institutional guardian of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s legacy. As such, the King Center’s programming focuses on the following areas:
Developing and disseminating programs that educate the world about Dr. King’s philosophy and methods of non-violence, human relations, service to mankind, and related teachings;
Building a national and international network of organizations that, through sanctioned programs, promote, compliment, and help further the organization’s mission and objectives of building the Beloved Community that Dr. King envisioned;
Functioning as the clearinghouse for non-profit organizations and government agencies which utilize Dr. King’s image and writings for programs and ensuring that the programs are historically and interpretively accurate and consistent with building the Beloved Community that Dr. King envisioned;
Managing visitor services for the Freedom Hall complex in Atlanta. With over 650,000 visitors annually, the King Center is the most visited cultural and tourist attraction in the southeast;
Monitoring and reporting on the impact of Dr. King’s legacy on the world
The King Center collaborates with other organizations, public and private, in carrying out its mission.
Programs and Services:
The King Center has a wide variety of programs and services in place to fulfill the organization’s mission of building Dr. King’s Beloved Community.
The Beloved Community Network
Non-violence or Non-existence Online Learning Program
Re-Ignite the Dream Campaign: Building the Beloved Community through Service
King and the Modern Civil Rights Museum Scholar and Historian Research Program
The King Papers Project
Education through Exploration Visitors Services Program
Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Service Summit
News and Information
For more information please visit the website.