
3307 Third Ave W
Seattle WA 98119
Phone: (206) 281-2988
Fax: (206) 281-2335

Image: A Journal of the Arts and Religion

About Image:

Image, a literary and arts quarterly founded in 1989, is a unique forum for the best writing and artwork that is informed by – or grapples with religious faith.

Image, one of America’s leading literary and arts quarterlies, explores the relationship between Judeo-Christian faith and art through contemporary fiction, poetry, painting, sculpture, architecture, film, music, and dance. Each issue also features interviews, memoirs, and essays.

Subscription: For more information visit the website.

Glen Workshop:

Writing classes; Art classes; A Seminar on arts and aesthetics; a reteat option. The Glen Workshop combines an intensive learning experience with a lively festival of the arts. For more information visit the website.

The Milton Center:

Welcome to the Milton Center at Image, a program dedicated to fostering excellence in creative writing by Christians.

Through workshops, fellowships, and other programs we aid writers who seek to animate the Christian imagination, promote intellectual integrity, and explore the human condition with honesty and compassion.

2003-2004: A Transitional Year for the Milton Center:

During the 2003-2004 academic year, the Milton Centre originally based at Newman University in Wichita, Kansas will be integrated into the Image program. Our initial goal will be to relaunch the Center in October of 2004 with two of its key programs: the postgraduate fellowship and the weekly writer’s workshop. Over time, other programs will be added (both old and new).

Funding Grants:

Postgraduate Fellowships

For more information please visit the website.