The Historical Society of the Episcopal Church
About the Historical Society of the Episcopal Church
Founded in 1910 in Philadelphia, the Historical Society of the Episcopal Church furthers understanding of church history through research, conferences, archival preservation programs, and publication.
The Society is a voluntary organization for people who are engaged in researching and preserving church history and for those who enjoy reading that history.
The Society serves the Episcopal Church by adding historical perspective to contemporary discussions of theological significance.
Known as the Church Historical Society until 1976, the Society has implemented its constitution and its mission by publishing, since 1932, the Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church.
Since 1987 this journal has been entitled Anglican and Episcopal History, reflecting its expanded, internationalized scope and editorial board. A subscription to this quarterly journal is included as one of the benefits of membership in the Society.
During the past decade, the Society has sponsored a monograph series, Studies in Anglican History, published by the University of Illinois Press. Seven volumes of that series are now in print, and more are forthcoming.
The Society works in close partnerships with sister organizations such as the Archives of the Episcopal Church, the National Episcopal Historians and Archivists (NEHA), the Episcopal Women’s History Project (EWHP), and the office of the Historiographer of the Episcopal Church. Since 1999 the Society has copublished with NEHA a newsletter, The Historiographer.
The Society holds an annual membership meeting, which every three years is held concurrently with a church history conference cosponsored with NEHA and EWHP. At those conferences, historians present the results of their research in panel sessions to an audience of members of the Society as well as nonmembers.
During the Episcopal Church’s General Convention the Society sponsors a dinner that features an address by a prominent historian.
New Service: Search engine for Anglican and Episcopal History
Bruton-Rockefeller Resident Scholar Program
African American Episcopal Collection
For more information please visit the website.