The Hartford Institute for Religion Research:
The Hartford Institute for Religion Research is committed to providing quality, social scientific religion research information that is helpful for religious leaders and the general public.
Hartford Seminary’s Hartford Institute for Religion Research has a twenty-seven year record of rigorous, policy-relevant research, anticipation of emerging issues and commitment to the creative dissemination of learning. This record has earned the Institute an international reputation as an important bridge between the scholarly community and the practice of faith.
The vision guiding this website:
This website has three primary purposes:
1) To present summaries of current religion research by Hartford Institute for Religion Research faculty as well as that done by other sociologists of religion
2) by making this research available online, we hope to educate pastors, denominational leaders, religion reporters and the general public in a better understanding of research on religion to help create stronger communities of faith and a more informed society
3) Finally, we hope to assist the site’s users in understanding the use of statistics and poll data, designing church web sites, on searching the web for information, and the implications of the internet on religious life
Mega Church Research
Faith Communities Today
The latest research on congregations
Over 200 denominational homepages
Sociology of Religion Resources
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Online Encyclopaedia of Religion & Society
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