Graduate Theological Foundation

The Tower Building, Suite 300 218 West Washington Street
South Bend IN 46601
Fax: (574) 287-7520
Toll-free: (800) 423-5983

Graduate Theological Foundation:

The Institution:

Since 1962, the Graduate Theological Foundation has been committed to continuing professional education for the wide range of traditional and emerging forms of ministry of faith communities in quest of a deeper sense of unity both internally and in their developing relations with other religious traditions and secular society.

The essential work of the Foundation is carried out through its several educational programs, research, and publication activities. All educational programs are designed for advanced learning by fully credentialed professionals in ministry (whether lay or ordained) whose common concern is the development of leadership for congregations and communities of faith.

Program Links:

Oxford; Rome; Indiana; Hong Kong; San Juan

Degree Programs

For more information please visit the website.