Global Peace Initiative of Women (The)

301 East 57 Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10022
Phone: +1-212-593-5877
Fax: +1-646-792-3871

The Global Peace Initiative of Women

Our Vision

The Global Peace Initiative of Women (GPIW) was founded by a group of women religious and spiritual leaders to provide a global platform through which women and men, working in partnership, can foster the spiritual values of global unity, peacebuilding and the development of all the peoples of the world. GPIW is an international network of women and men who come together to tap our collective spiritual wisdom to stimulate reconciliation and healing in areas of conflict and post-conflict, and to deepen understanding of oneness, compassion and the principles of ahimsa (non-harm) as central tenets of life. We believe that a shift in consciousness is needed, a change in heart and mind, if we are as a global community to meet the challenges of climate change, environmental degradation, poverty and hunger, violence and conflict. Central to our work is the belief that the feminine qualities of wholeness, inclusion, and integration have a vital role to play in facilitating this shift and bringing greater balance to our world. Thus we make great effort to draw upon the resources of women spiritual leaders as we seek to empower these vital qualities.

Our work aims to foster respect for all peoples on Earth and for the Earth’s natural environment. We highlight humanity’s shared values, even as we profoundly appreciate the diversity of human culture and belief. We realize the importance of transmitting such values to the next generation. Thus, in our sacred work, we place special emphasis on tapping inter-spiritual wisdom and developing leadership in young adults around the world, listening to the perspectives of all as we seek together to create a more caring and compassionate world community.

Gatherings & Programs



For more information please visit the website.