Fresh Expressions USA

Online Website

Fresh Expression USA

What is a Fresh Expression of church?

A Fresh Expression is a form of church for our changing culture, established primarily for the benefit of those who are not yet part of any church.


In many different places, Christians are stepping out in faith and beginning fresh expressions of church: new or different forms of church for a changing culture.

Every fresh expression of church is different. Some are in rural areas and others are in the suburbs. Some are in housing projects while others are on college campuses. Some are primarily for youth , children, or young adults just beginning their careers. Others are based in schools and some in homes. Each is a new adventure for the gospel that brings the church closer to people who might not otherwise experience the need for church.

While all fresh expressions are different, there are some guiding principles that tie them all together. Fresh expressions are:

  • missional – serving those not currently served by any church;
  • incarnational – listening to people and entering their culture;
  • discipling – helping people enter more fully into the life of Christ;
  • ecclesial – forming church.

Fresh Expressions work towards establishing a new community or congregation especially for those who have never been involved in church (un-churched) or people who once were part of a church, but left for whatever reason (de-churched). While a fresh expression of church might look different from the structure of a more established church, they are best conceieved and orchestrated in partnership with established churches.

If the goal of a church (new or established) is to do mission better or more imaginatively in order to attract more people to an existing church, it isn’t a fresh expression. The aim of a fresh expression isn’t to provide a stepping stone into an existing church, but to form a new kind of church that steps out in its own right.


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