Wycliffe College Women’s Breakfast

November 7, 2015
Offered by Wycliffe College
Understanding the Rise in “Spiritual but not Religious” and Why It Really Matters
Presented by: The Rev. Dr. Linda Mercadante
Saturday, November 7, 2015  |  9:30 am – 11:30 am
Wycliffe College, 5 Hoskin Avenue, Toronto
Join us as Professor Marion Taylor welcomes The Rev. Dr. Linda Mercadante to Wycliffe College at our upcoming Women’s Breakfast.We will explore the recent upsurge in people who self-identify as “spiritual but not religious” (SBNR), considering the reasons and possible effects this will have on self, religion and society. Dr. Mercadante will share the fruits of her extensive qualitative research, spanning over five years, where she interviewed hundreds of SBNRs and discovered patterns in their beliefs and practices.

The Rev. Dr. Linda Mercadante was once a “spiritual but not religious” person. But through an intensive spiritual journey has become a seminary professor, theologian, and ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Dr. Mercadante received her Ph.D. from Princeton and has been serving as Professor of Theology at The Methodist Theological School in Ohio for more than 25 years. She has published five books, nearly 100 articles, and speaks internationally on a variety of topics. Her book, Belief without Borders: Inside the Minds of the Spiritual but not Religious, will be available for purchase and signing following her presentation.
Categories: Lifelong Learning  |  Ministry  |  Seminars