Unbelievable: Why Neither Ancient Creeds nor Reformation Faith Can Provide Us With A Living Faith
John Spong

The book asks the questions of our day: Is there a God? What is the divine nature? Can we talk about the God of traditional religiion in a world shaped by Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Darwin and Freud? How do we tell the Christ story without the doctrine of orignal sin? What does incarnation mean? What is the basis of ethics? How do we pray? Can we still believe in Life after death? What is the meaning of miracles
A modern man of faith finds the old symbols increasingly empty and try to mount a fresh way into Christianity. It is time to quit pretending and to face the issues of our time Christianity needs a new reformation.
Bishop John Spong has published more than 20 books that have sold over a million copies. He averages 200 lectures a year all over the world. A deeply commited Christian, he insists that he must also speak as an informed citizen of the 21st century. He has equipped himself for his task by studying at major centers of Christian scholarship: Union theological Seminary in New Yorkm Yale Divinity School, Harvard Divinity School and the storied universities of Cambridge, Oxford and Edinburgh.
Cost $415 includes double occupancy room, board and tuition.