The Path to the Inner Self: Visualizations, Dreams, and Guides
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Presented by: Dr. Sebastian Fazzari
Cost: $65 (includes buffet lunch)
Two formidable obstacles block the path to the Inner Self: the outer mask and the ego or lower self. The mask or the Idealized Self-Image is the outermost layer or protective shield covering up the lower self, which is undeveloped and contains negative emotions, thoughts, and impulses such as fear, hate, and cruelty. The Inner or Higher Self, on the other hand, is a spark of the Infinite Intelligence and love that pervades all life. This part is free, spontaneous, creative, loving, knowing, and capable of uninterrupted joy and bliss. It can be reached when one is in touch with one’s truth, when one gives from the heart, and through meditation, visualization, dreams, inner guides, and prayer.
Through visualizations, relaxation, exploration of dreams, and inner guides, participants are encouraged to look at themselves and the world surrounding them with compassionate eyes.