WACC is pleased to announce a Summer School on “Communication and Religion” that will take place 16-21 June 2014 in Toronto, Canada.
The Summer School is being organized in cooperation with Emmanuel College (Victoria University, University of Toronto), the Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany) and WACC.
Students will work with faculty staff to study religion, media, and globalization. The course will focus on communication rights, communication in the ecumenical movement, practical theology and media, media ethics, gender and communication, and communication for social change. The teaching faculty will come from the organizing institutions.
The School is open to students who have a bachelor degree in theology or a related field and who are interested in ethical and intercultural reflections on communication and media. The objective of the course is to study the ethical and cultural implications of the use of media in an international, intercultural and inter-confessional context.
Students will be introduced to an ecumenical setting and will get to know the challenges of communication in the ecumenical movement as well as the challenges of communication in interfaith dialogue. They will address questions of media and globalization, which are related to the presence of religion in the mass media, and they will be introduced to different communication theories.
Participants must be aged under 32 years, fluent in English, and be post-graduate students in communication and theology. They will be expected to attend the complete course, to take exams and to write a final paper.
WACC is offering a limited number of scholarships for students from countries in the global South to take part in the Summer School. To be considered please send your curriculum vitae together with a letter explaining why you wish to attend the Summer School to the following email addresses: MW@waccglobal.org (cc. PL@waccglobal.org). The deadline for applications is 6 April 2014.