Signs of the Times – Watershed Discipleship and Restorative Justice: Mapping Bloodlines, Landlines and Songlines – G180615
Writer-activist Audre Lorde challenges us to “do our own work” to name, engage and heal disparities, personally and politically. Explore how to become more responsible settlers trying to do justice work in the watersheds we inhabit. Learn how we can grow more cognizant of what we walk into, learning the stories held by our places, our peoples and our cultures. For more information, please visit
For 27 years, Ghost Ranch has hosted leaders in the Church, international affairs, politics and social justice organizations in annual discussion regarding moral issues facing church and society. This year we build on the theme bringing together biologists, a poet and medical anthropologist, musicians, theologians, educators and community leaders. To paraphrase an argument made in 1968 by Senegalese environmentalist Baba Dioum, we won’t save places we don’t love; we can’t love places we don’t know, and we don’t know places we haven’t learned. A symbiotic, relational ethos of watershed literacy and stewardship is crucial to the survival and flourishing of traditional societies. Watershed Discipleship is a “triple entendre” that recognizes we are in a watershed historical moment of crisis, focuses on our intrinsically bioregional locus as followers of Jesus, and urges us to become disciples of our watersheds.” ~ Ched Myers, 2016
Wallace J Nichols, Dr. Wallace “J.” Nichols, called “Keeper of the Sea” by GQ Magazine and “a visionary” by Outside Magazine is an innovative, silo-busting, entrepreneurial scientist, movement maker, renown marine biologist, voracious Earth and idea explorer, wild water advocate, bestselling author, sought after lecturer, and fun-loving Dad.
Ministering Peace and Justice
Laurie Kraus, Director, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, PCUSA, Sara Lisherness, Director, Compassion, Peace & Justice Ministry, PCUSA
These dynamic leaders from PCUSA will organize this week’s worship in response to the wonderful experiences that will emerge and unfold.
The Sounds of Peace and Justice
Tim Gibbs-Zehnder and Tom Zehnder
These brothers lend their hearts and music for social justice during morning worship, evening concert, and spontaneous moments throughout the week! For more information, see
Ched Myers
Ched Myers is an activist theologian who has worked in social change movements for 40 years. With a degree in New Testament Studies from the Graduate Theological Union, he is a popular educator who animates scripture and issues of faith-based peace and justice. He has authored over 100 articles and more than a half-dozen books, including Binding the Strong Man: A Political Reading of Mark’s Story of Jesus (Orbis, 1988/2008); The Biblical Vision of Sabbath Economics (Tell the Word, 2001), Ambassadors of Reconciliation: A N.T. Theology and Diverse Christian Practices of Restorative Justice and Peacemaking (with Elaine Enns, Orbis, 2009), and Our God is Undocumented: Biblical Faith and Immigrant Justice (with Matthew Colwell, Orbis, 2012). Most recently he curated, edited and contributed to an anthology entitled Watershed Discipleship: Reinhabiting Bioregional Faith and Practice (Cascade Press, 2016).
Most of Ched’s publications can be found at Ched is adjunct faculty at St. Andrew’s College in Saskatoon, SK, and has taught at many seminaries around the U.S., Canada and Australia, most recently at United Theological Seminary in Minneapolis.
Ched has worked with a variety of social justice organizations, including the American Friends Service Committee and the Pacific Concerns Resource Center. He co-founded several collaborative projects, including the Sabbath Economics Collaborative (; the Bartimaeus Institute (; the Word and World School (; the Center and Library for the Bible and Social Justice (; and the Watershed Discipleship Alliance ( Ched currently works intensively mentoring young faith and justice leaders, and is President of the Ojai Valley Green Coalition ( He and his partner Elaine Enns, a restorative justice practitioner, live in the Ventura River watershed in southern California and co-direct Bartimaeus Cooperative Ministries (