Selah: Certificate in Spiritual Direction

January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2030
Currently there are 2-year cohorts for Eastern US, Western US, "Anglican" and Europe. See their web site for details and dates.
Free open house; cost approximately $7,650USD plus travel and books.

Become a spiritual director

The Selah Certificate in Spiritual Direction is a two-year training program for those seeking to become a spiritual director.  It is a program, a ministry, and a way of being that invites us, in community with one another, to pause and attend to the presence and communion of God.

Our curriculum is designed to nurture each participant in two main areas: a foundational understanding of the theology of spiritual formation (through faculty teaching during retreat residencies, and reading and reflection assignments in between residencies), and the central practice of spiritual direction (through small group experiences in retreat residencies, and individual experiences of offering spiritual direction and reflecting on it with a Selah faculty supervisor in between residencies).

In this threefold context, Selah trains and equips you to become a spiritual director. We grow from the wisdom and experience of the Church, through readings in the classics of spiritual formation, and through the learned practice of spiritual direction together. Selah is:


paying attention to how God the Father is actively shaping a person’s life through the Holy Spirit in ways that form them ever more deeply into the image of Christ.


characterized by an attentive resting in Christ’s presence in the direction time, noticing the movement and activity of the Holy Spirit.


drawing our understanding of God and his ways from the Scriptures.

Categories: Spiritual Direction