Seeing the Word: A Retreat with The Saint John’s Bible

April 22, 2015 - April 23, 2015


April 22-23, 2015
Erdman Center
Princeton Theological Seminary




The Saint John’s Bible is the first handwritten, illuminated Bible commissioned by a Benedictine Abbey in over 500 years. You are invited to experience for yourself the story and art of the most extensive scribal commission in the world since the Middle Ages, a story that has not happened for a long time and probably will never happen again.  Come to Princeton Theological Seminary for an immersive 24-hour retreat with The Saint John’s Bible.  Delve into the inside story behind the Bible’s making as told by Tim Ternes, the project’s director.  Get a look at the creative and artistic process from Diane von Arx, one of the project’s artistic team members.  Try your hand at grinding inks and writing with hand-cut quills, and finally, enter into deeper understanding of the scriptural passages with a new and exciting way of experiencing scripture – visio divina.  The retreat is sure to refresh, renew and revitalize. Saint John’s Bible Image



Tim TernesTim Ternes is the Director of The Saint John’s Bible at the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library in Collegeville, Minnesota.  His role as director has him working directly with the artistic team for the project, facilitating planning and exhibitions for the original pages and reproductions, as well as curating and caring for the original folios of the Bible. Tim also travels extensively offering presentations, exhibitions and educational programs for the Bible project and library collections.
Tim TernesDiane von Arx is an Artist Calligrapher for The Saint John’s Bible.  A native Minnesotan, Diane has been a graphic designer for over 25 years, specializing in Creative Lettering, Calligraphy and Corporate Identity. She conducts workshops throughout the U.S., Canada, Japan and Australia.  She has published three beginning calligraphy workbooks and her work has been included in numerous exhibitions and private collections.  One of only three U. S. calligraphers asked to participate in the creation of The Saint John’s Bible, Diane will share her experiences as an artist working on this more than a decade-long project.  Guests will be fascinated by her personal insights as she discusses her creative process and the challenges of going from word to image with these sacred texts.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

2:00 p.m. Registration

4:00 p.m. Opening Prayer Service

4:45 p.m. Welcome and Introductions

5:30 p.m. Welcome Dinner

7:00 p.m. Introductory Session:  From Inspiration to Illumination, an Introduction to The Saint John’s Bible  – Tim Ternes, Director of The Saint John’s Bible *

8:30 p.m. Exhibition Viewing and Calligraphy Demonstrations by Diane von Arx*


Thursday, April 23, 2015

8:30 a.m.  Morning Prayer

9:00 a.m. Session Two: From Word to Image, An Artist’s Experience – Diane von Arx

10:15 a.m. Session Three:  From Quill to Page – Hands on Calligraphy Experience with the Tools of The Saint John’s Bible, Diane von Arx

11:30 a.m. Chapel

Noon   Lunch

1:00 p.m. Viewing of The Illuminator and a Bible for the 21st Century

1:30 p.m. Session Four: Visio Divina – Sacred Seeing with The Saint John’s Bible, Tim Ternes

3:30 p.m. Break

4:00 p.m. Closing Session and Reflections – Tim Ternes and Diane von Arx

5:00 p.m. Closing Prayer Service


* After dinner on Wednesday evening, retreat participants will join the public presentation on the Introduction to the Saint Johns Bible and the following reception.  All day Thursday will be retreat participants only.



The cost is $145 and includes program and three meals.

To register, please click here.

Please read the registration and cancellation policy before registering.



Onsite lodging is available at the Erdman Center for an additional $65/night (single room, private bath) or $55/night (single room, shared bath).



Continuing Education
Princeton Theological Seminary
20 Library Place
Princeton, NJ 08540
Phone: 609-497-7990

Categories: Biblical Studies  |  Retreats  |  The Arts