Present in Every Moment: Waking Up to Love and Compassion in Our Lives

March 26, 2018 - April 2, 2018
Offered by Pendle Hill
Wallingford PA


Present in Every Moment: Waking Up to Love and Compassion in Our Lives

Mar 26 – Apr 2, 2018

A seven-day Mindfulness Meditation retreat with Mary Grace Orr, Anne Briggs, and Larissa Kitenko

(Monday 4:30pm to Monday 1pm.)

$980/shared room; $1165/private room; $685/commuter.

Note: The fee for this retreat does not include any payment to the teachers. There will be an opportunity to make a donation directly to them at the end of the retreat.

If you are seeking financial assistance to participate in this program, please click on the link for our Financial Assistance Application form, below. Do NOT register online.

Call Us for More Information!

610-566-4507, ext. 137

Financial aid may be available. If you are seeking funds to participate in this program, click to review and complete our Financial Assistance Application and a Pendle Hill staff member will follow-up with you shortly (please do NOT register online). Thank you for your interest.

Mindfulness meditation is a simple technique offered by the Buddha for awakening the mind and heart. This retreat will be a time of silence, with periods of sitting and walking practice, opportunities to talk about your own practice, and formal presentations. It is suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators.


Mary Grace Orr is a senior teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Marin County (CA) and the founding teacher of Insight Santa Cruz. A beloved teacher at Pendle Hill, Mary Grace has led retreats here since 1997. She now lives in Hawaii and teaches retreats both there and throughout the United States.

Anne BriggsAnne Briggs is a lifelong Quaker who also leads the Insight Meditation Community of Chestertown (MD). She completed the Community Dharma Leader Training (CDLT) at Spirit Rock Meditation Center and has assisted Mary Grace for many years.

Larissa KitenkoLarissa Kitenko, a longtime practitioner of Insight Meditation, studies and practices Buddhism in the Theravadan tradition. She completed the CDLT at Spirit Rock Meditation Center with Mary Grace as mentor, and the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MSBR) Program teacher training with Jon Kabat-Zinn. A volunteer hospice and hospital chaplain, Larissa teaches MSBR, leads the Easton Meditation Group, and leads classes and retreats in Eastern Maryland.