Power, Politics, & the Church

November 4, 2018 - November 10, 2018

Power, Politics, & the Church 

November 4 – 10, 2018


A course on the complex relationship between Christianity and power.

  • Encounter the Roman state cults as Christianity emerged as a global religion
  • Explore the earliest churches as they developed from being hidden in houses to being large public monuments
  • Visit Ravenna and discuss the relationship between Roman and Byzantine Emperors and the church
  • Look at the development of the Papal Sates within the marvellous Castel Sant’Angelo;
  • Enter the Vatican Secret Archives and examine the original documents related to England’s split with Rome
  • Hear how the Risorgimento changed the Papacy’s relationship with modern states
  • Allow the new Director to explain how the church has been involved in peacemaking in the Great Lakes region
  • Discuss the Church of England’s place in the 21st century British state.

Visits and sessions

The course is led by the Revd Marcus Walker, whose masters degree in late Roman history and work in Parliament combine to give this course edge and depth. His knowledge and love of the history of Rome mean that each site visted is carefully chosen and explored in great detail.

The course is a combination of visits to historical sites, lectures at the Anglican Centre, and discussions by the group. Last year the group heard from Professor Christopher Smith, the Director of the British School at Rome, on the emergence of Christianity from its Roman, pagan, context; from the Very Revd Dr John Hall, the Dean of Westminster, on the relationship between the Church and the State in Modern Britain; and from Dom Angelo Romano, a priest with Sant’ Egidio, on their successful peacekeeping mission in Mozambique.

Next year’s course is still being developed and we will update this page as we have further details. One major change will be the new Director of the Anglican Centre, Archbishop Bernard Ntahoturi, leading a day on the Church’s role in reconciliation in the Great Lakes region of Africa.

You can read Dean John Hall’s article about last year’s course here.

Course fee

Course fee €665 (which includes travel and accommodation in Ravenna – although, as with all our courses, not in Rome.)
Accommodation and meals in Rome are not included in the course fee, as we have found people prefer to make their own arrangements. We estimate that this would cost an additional Euro €450, although this depends on the standard of accommodation which you choose. There are a number of scholarships available for those from developing nations.

To apply

Fill out this form and send it to pa-courses@anglicancentre.it
It may help to read the guidelines for applying for a course.

The Revd Michelle Staples, Canadian Military:

I highly recommend courses offered by the Centre. My husband and I have just completed our time here following a course on Power and Politics and the Church, and it is a truly enriching experience. The Centre staff are wonderful, and the courses are rich in content.