Fri, Mar 11 – 12pm
Dr. Barbara Lundblad
Dr. Barbara Lundblad, who returns by popular demand! Barbara serves as Visiting Professor of Homiletics and Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, IL. Prior to that, she was Associate Professor of Preaching Union Theological Seminary, New York, New York. Her brilliant and compassionate preaching has placed her in constant demand as a conference leader, a guest preacher, and a teacher of preaching across the country. Before accepting her current position, she taught homiletics at Yale Divinity School, Princeton Theological Seminary, and the Association of Chicago Theological Schools.
Rev. Mark Hanson
The Rev. Mark Hanson, the third Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Before being elected presiding bishop, he served as bishop of the Saint Paul Area Synod. Prior to being elected Synod bishop, he served as pastor of three Minnesota congregations: Prince of Glory Lutheran Church, Minneapolis; Edina Community Lutheran Church; and University Lutheran Church of Hope in Minneapolis. In addition to serving as Presiding Bishop, Hanson was the 11th President of the Lutheran World Federation.
Tom Witt & Mary Preus
Tom Witt has been a keyboardist, worship leader, songleader and worship planner for over 20 years. He is well known for his spirited and rhythmic skills at the piano. He has developed a deep interest in eclectic congregational song that builds up the body of Christ for the work of mercy, peace, justice, and inclusion in the world – from Gospel to Taizé and Iona, and from 4-part African song to traditional European hymnody. In his work with Bread for the Journey ensemble, he has spent a good amount of time helping dominant-culture worshippers learn and appreciate singing songs of faith gathered from the Body of Christ around the world, including diverse communities in North America. Along with Mary Preus, Susan Briehl, Marty Haugen and Ben Stewart, he has been part of the Living Liturgy teaching team, which from 1999-2012 provided workshops and retreats on worship renewal. He co-founded Bread for the Journey, and served as worship planner and global consultant for the ELCA’s Global Mission Unit from 1989 to 2007. In 1998-99 Tom served as musician-in-residence at the ecumenical retreat center Holden Village. Abroad, he has been musician at events in Ethiopia and Palestine, and in southern Africa. Together Mary and Tom continue to lead workshops and training sessions across the country for musicians, clergy, and other worship planners. Mary Preus is first, a song leader and second, a singer, teacher, worship leader and choir director. A colleague once said of Mary, “She could teach a stone to sing.” Mary has been working in neighborhood businesses, community arts endeavors, and progressive Christian peace and justice communities for twenty-five years. Mary can sing in several different languages and has led singing around the world. In addition to her work as artistic director of Minnesota Community SINGS, Mary has worked as the music director and song leader at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Minneapolis since 1991. She is also the worship and music coordinator.
Lutherhostel BOTH WEEKS Put your name on the Lodging List or Come as a Commuter
Dr. Barbara Lundblad, Rev. Mark Hanson and Tom Witt & Mary Preus
Lodging is filled. Put your name on the Lodging Wait List by emailing [email protected] Week One – February 28 – March 4 – will feature Dr. Barbara Lundblad, who returns by popular demand! Barbara serves as Visiting Professor of Homiletics and Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago, IL. Prior to that, she was Associate Professor of Preaching Union Theological Seminary, New York, New York. Her brilliant and compassionate preaching has placed her in constant demand as a conference leader, a guest preacher, and a teacher of preaching across the country. Before accepting her current position, she taught homiletics at Yale Divinity School, Princeton Theological Seminary, and the Association of Chicago Theological Schools. Week Two – March 6 – 11 – will feature The Rev. Mark Hanson, the third Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Before being elected presiding bishop, he served as bishop of the Saint Paul Area Synod. Prior to being elected Synod bishop, he served as pastor of three Minnesota congregations: Prince of Glory Lutheran Church, Minneapolis; Edina Community Lutheran Church; and University Lutheran Church of Hope in Minneapolis. In addition to serving as Presiding Bishop, Hanson was the 11th President of the Lutheran World Federation. He will be asking the questions: “What does it mean to live as a Christian when my neighbors are of different faiths?” How we approach religious pluralism as Lutheran Christians and share stories from my experiences that illustrate what I am presenting. What does it mean to be neighbor (or parent or grandparent!) with those who profess no religious convictions or who articulate a secularist or agnostic position? I will work with the Good Samaritan story and Luther and what they say about being neighbors. Use one session for participants to ask questions about my season of leading the ELCA and the Lutheran World Federation. Mary Preus & Tom Witt return for both weeks, leading us in music & worship! Also, our growing “both week attendees” will be delighted to know that afternoon workshops will provide fresh topics each week. So, if you haven’t done it before, plan on a 2-week retreat in the desert for 2016 – we’d love to have you! The website portal is up and running for you to make your reservations online payable by credit card. To pay by check and/or need to reserve extra lodging nights, you’ll need to contact me, Mon – Friday, 7am to 4pm [MST] at (480) 488-5218 to make your reservations. Special weekly rates for those wishing to lodge longer apply but space will fill quickly so don’t wait. February and March are our busiest months! Commuter Fee $780 per person for BOTH weeks Full Program Cost (p/per):
$780.00 Commuter
Registration closes Monday, Feb 22, at Midnight
We have reciprocal agreements with close-by hotels. Call (480) 488-5218 for info, and book your commuter status for Lutherhostel today!