Leadership in Community
Tuesday, March 13 – Friday, March 16, 2018
Co-sponsored by Friends of St. Benedict and Holy Cross Monastery
The Rule of St. Benedict has, for more than 1400 years, guided communities and their leaders in how to seek and serve God, to be formed and transformed in the image of God as they live their daily lives in community. Today there is growing interest in applying this framework in a variety of work settings. We will consider how Benedictine virtues such as listening, humility, balance, and the dignity of work can enable us to live in community and to lead in community. In an era that seems to value self-promotion and the carefully crafted online prole, we will explore how true self- knowledge can inform healthy leadership and a community life that supports growth for all its members.
The Friends of St. Benedict is an ecumenical organization that seeks to make the ancient wisdom and practice of Benedictine spirituality accessible to modern people. The Friends have been hosting Benedictine Experience retreats at Canterbury Cathedral and a few “thin places” in the US for more than thirty years. To learn more about the work of Friends of St. Benedict, please visit www.benedictfriend.org.
Cost: $380; deposit: $80