Iconography with Suzanne Schleck

February 6, 2021 - February 12, 2021
130 Kanuga Chapel Drive
The gospel in line and color


February 6-12, 2021

About the Instructor

Suzanne Schleck - Iconography RetreatSuzanne Schleck of Whiting, NJ, returns for her thirteenth year of teaching icon painting at Kanuga. A retired public school art teacher, she has studied for more than 20 years with the Rev. John Walsted, master iconographer and expert on 14th to 16th century Russian icons, and has taken additional workshops with Robert Lentz and the Prosopon School of Iconography. Her work has been published in Episcopal Life and in several online exhibits with Episcopal Church and the Visual Arts, as well as the 2006 General Convention and Princeton Theological Seminary.

Conference Details

Conference details to come

Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spirituality