Healing Pathway Phase 2: Ladysmith BC
Healing from the Heart
30 May 2014 – 31 May 2014
This workshop provides an opportunity to deepen the experience of healing and connecting to God’s healing power through the heart centre. Focus will be on increasing the practitioner’s self awareness and understanding through exploration of spiritual practice and self-care. New healing sequences and assessment procedures are introduced and practised, as well as effective use of dialogue to deepen the healing process. Phase 1 is a prerequisite.
232 High Street Ladysmith, BC
Friday May 30 9:30am to 5 pm
Saturday May 31 9 am- 5 pm
or email: [email protected]
Billets available upon request.
Gail GloverI have been involved in healing energy work since 1993 when I took my first Healing Touch workshop and knew this was to be an integral part of my ministry. It has been the perfect way to combine my education and training in nursing and theology/ ministry to all aspects of my life. I was part of the beginning of the Healing Pathway as it now exists, and have grown with it and through it. I maintain a regular connection with my local church Pathway group, practising and receiving together, as well as offering God’s Unconditional Love/ healing energy to others in the church and community.
As an instructor I bring a good sense of humour, fun and enjoyment as well as a commitment to enhance the learning and healing of all of us in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our selves
Bruce McIntyreBruce is a retired United Church minister. I was one of the four members of the team that developed the Naramata Healing Pathway program. I am a Naramata healing pathway instructor and mentor. In 1999 I was awarded an Honorary Doctorate as a Healer, Advocate, Pastor. I am an active instructor, mentor and practicing member of the Know United Church in Parksville. BC. Studying the healing ministry of Jesus Christ has been the foundation of my entire ministry.
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