Gathering for a New Solidarity

August 9, 2015 - August 16, 2015




 Gathering for a New Solidarity

From Sunday 09 to Sunday 16, August 2015

The climax of the 2015 celebrations, this week will also be the culmination of three years dedicated to searching for a “new solidarity”.



Young adults between 18 and 35 years are invited to come to Taizé especially that week.

Arrival: Sunday ?9 August between 2pm and 6pm. Some people plan to make a pilgrimage on foot from Cluny or Cormatin.
Departure: Sunday 16 August after 7pm.

Bible reflections and workshops with speakers from different Churches and different continents. Friday: prayer around the Cross. Saturday evening: outdoor celebration of the light of the Resurrection.


During the week from 9 to 16 August, particular attention will be given to people in situations of precariousness in different parts of the world. A solidarity fund will permit people of all social conditions to spend the week together in Taizé.

For more details see Information and Program.

Categories: Conferences  |  Ministry