Exploring the Power of Nonviolence with JAMES LONEY

February 28, 2013 - March 2, 2013
Offered by Naramata Centre
Naramata VOH 1NOBC


 February 28 – March 2, 2013

Hotly contested and widely misunderstood, manifest in every time and place, the power of nonviolence is an emerging world paradigm that is both a way of being in the world and a practical strategy for transformative social change. [In a time of ecological and social crisis, nonviolence is essential for securing the future of the human family.] Drawing upon Christian tradition and the knowledge we carry in our bodies, author and peace activist James Loney will lead workshop participants in an exploration of the power of nonviolence already at work in their lives and its crucial role in social movements through a participatory process of theological reflection, embodied awareness, story-telling and small group sharing.

James Loney is a Toronto-based peace activist and member of Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT).  He recently published a book (Captivity: 118 Days in Iraq and the Struggle for a World Without War) about his experiences as a member of a CPTdelegation that was taken hostage in Baghdad (2005-2006).

If you are interested in attending this program, please call: 1.877.996.5751 ext. 201 or register@naramatacentre.net.

We will then advise you as to when registration opens.

Feb 28 3:00pm – March 2 3:00pm

Cost: $435 plus taxes.   (Shared room, private room add $70)

Categories: Ministry  |  Programs