Entertaining Judgement: The Afterlife in Popular Imagination
22nd July – 24th July 2016
The lyrics of Madonna and Sean Combs; the plotlines of TV’s Lost, South Park and The Walking Dead; the implied theology in films such as The Dark Knight, Ghost, and Field of Dreams; the heavenly half-light of Thomas Kinkade’s popular paintings – all speak to our hopes and fears about what comes next.
During this short course, Greg Garrett offers imaginative insights into our persistent absorption with the afterlife through film, television, novels, art, pop music, graphic novels and more.
Greg published his book Entertaining Judgement: The Afterlife in Popular Imagination earlier this year. He is 2013 Centennial Professor at Baylor University where he teaches classes in screenwriting, literature, film, popular culture and theology. He is the author or co-author of three dozen short stories, a dozen scholarly articles and 20 books of fiction, non-fiction and memoir.
To read a review of Greg’s book from the New Statesman, please click here.
Residential prices start from £192, non-residential from £150. Discount rates for clergy and students apply.
For more information or to book, please call 01244 532350 or email enquiries@gladlib.org.