Enhancing Resilience
Sometimes things do not go as planned, and yet we thrive in our own ways. We marvel at our capacity, and that of others, to remain positive against all odds. We are resilient and can develop new ways of building resilience in the face of adversity.
Improve your ability to face difficult situations and support others in recovering from trying times. Join us as we explore resilience together and learn how to enhance or strengthen yours. This new workshop applies an experience and practice based approach. There will be hands-on exercises, while participants’ experiences and skills are at the heart of discussions. You can expect to walk away feeling good and optimistic about your ability to face difficult situations and support others in recovering from trying times.
This workshop is for families and friends caring for someone who lives with mental illness only. It is free but there is limited space–you must register in advance.
Facilitator: Melanie Hughes
Next workshop: Wednesday, November 29, 2017
6-8pm at the AMI office (5800 Decarie)