Jul 12 – Jul 14, 2013 Fri 7:00 PM – Sun 1:00 PM $399.00

As a group we will strategize and practice how as individuals we can counteract those situations, using the power of non-violent action. We will draw from the experiences and understandings of Thich Nhat Hanh, Sharon Ellison, John Dear, Walter Wink, Johan Galtung. The program involves group work, role-play and partner and small group discussion.
Program Cost: $399 ($241.50 tuition + $157.50 meals/accommodations)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program.
Katherine McCarron
Katherine McCarron was trained as a facilitator in the Engage program at Pace e Bene in 2003 by Ken Preston-Pile, who developed the program with Ken Butigan, and the Franciscan Nonviolence Center in Las Vegas. Katherine introduced and used this program in the San Quentin State Prison in California for four years and in community groups in California, and more recently at Second Story Women’s Centre in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. Katherine has also worked with volunteers to assist people who are homeless or live in poverty.
Jason Blanch
Jason Blanch, Program Resource Group (PRG) facilitator. Jason has a graduate degree in Adult Education and Community Development and has been working in this field for the past 14 years with government and non profit organizations. Jason’s various positions have included executive director of the Nappan Project, chapter chair of the Sierra Club of Canada’s Atlantic Canada Chapter, addictions counselor, counselor with the New Directions Program for abusive men, political candidate, weekly columnist and community development consultant.