Ancient Stones, Living stones: the Holy Land in Perspective

April 30, 2012 - May 21, 2012

Ancient Stones, Living stones:
the Holy Land in Perspective

A CMU Study Tour

Led by Gordon Matties Ph.D.

Professor of Biblical & Theological Studies

April 30-May 21, 2012

Please contact Gordon Matties if you are interested
([email protected])

Join Tour Leader Gordon Matties, Professor of Biblical & Theological Studies , on a journey through time to the land of Joshua and Jesus! Through the 21-day tour you will:

•Walk into the world of the biblical texts.
•Visit the ancient stones, the important biblical/archaeological sites and pilgrimage locations.
•Meet the living stones, the many and varied people-groups living in present-day Israel/Palestine (Jews, Christians, and Muslims).
•Discover the complexity of conflict and the prospects for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, and wrestle with the challenges facing Middle Eastern and Western Christians, Jews and Muslims over this issue.
As you make the connection between the ancient stones and the living stones, you will discover the wonder and the complexity of these two worlds, and see how they coexist side-by-side. Often the two worlds will press in on you at the same time—the world of the biblical text, and the world of contemporary issues and political agenda. When the tour is over, you will be able to say: “I will never read the Bible or the news the same way again.”

Come check out the Study Tour Blog. The blog will be updated regularly with information, suggestions for preparing for the tour, links to articles and other websites, etc.

Check out our Facebook Page and become a fan.

For more information please visit the website.

Categories: Lifelong Learning  |  Pilgrimage