A Narrative Approach to the Gospels and Acts

July 24, 2023 - July 28, 2023
Jul 24–Jul 28, 2023; Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri., 8:30AM–11:30AM Vancouver Time
Offered by Regent College
$520 per credit hour and  $385 per audit hour, plus $20 per credit or audit hour for online access and a flat $35 registration fee.

Learn to see the Gospels and Acts in a new light. Engage with the full narrative scope of these books from beginning to end, exploring the ways in which the biblical authors told the stories of Jesus and the early church. Discover their narrative contours through an examination of literary elements such as plotting, characterization, point of view, and intertextual emphases. Cultivate a deeper understanding and appreciation of both the literary artistry and the theological impact of each book. In the process, consider how these eternally compelling stories can help you better understand your own story.

Format Onsite/Online
Credit Hours 1–2
Audit Hours 1