2018 TheoProbe: Living with the Embodied God, Winter Park, Colorado
Feb. 4-9, 2018 Bible
Theme: Living with the Embodied God
Description: Most streams of Christianity hold that Jesus was fully human and fully divine, but we have a hard time recognizing the implications of this belief. When we separate Jesus’ divinity from his humanity, we underestimate the potential and the offense of the incarnation both in our teaching and in our preaching. This year’s TheoProbe will imagine the importance of embodiment from a biblical point of view. Our presenters will lead us in exploring what various New Testament writings have to say about embodiment—Jesus’ and our own—and in considering the implications for how we think about God, the nature of vulnerability, self-image, disability, pastoral leadership, human dignity, community and the hope of resurrected life.
For more information and to register, visit www.theoprobe.com.
Contact Hours: 15
Seminar Leaders:
- Karoline Lewis, Marbury E. Anderson Chair in Biblical Preaching, Luther Seminary
- Matthew Skinner, Professor of New Testament, Luther Seminary
For more information please visit the website.