2015 Enneagram Conference
October 4, 2015 – October 7, 2015
…it is the spirit in a person, the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding. – Job 32: 8
Harmony in a Discordant World:
Bringing peace to the kitchen table and the conference room table
Discover how the Enneagram can engage your faith and create a greater sense of harmony in your life. This conference is specifically designed to increase understanding of the Enneagram’s spiritual principles for the purpose of finding our sacred essence, healing our inner pain, and relieving suffering within our personal and professional relationships.
Who should attend? All persons who are interested in a method of bringing harmony to all levels of life, including:
- Couples
- Parents
- Leaders in the church, business, government, the courts, education
- Those involved in the healing arts, such as chaplains, therapists, hospice workers, social workers, healthcare professionals and spiritual directors
This enlightening system of knowledge will be explored as a living map and working spiritual tool for divine guidance. Basics will be offered, along with advanced studies, but all participants will experience the messages of the Enneagrams of Holy Ideas and the Beatitudes of Jesus. Led by Dr. Joe Howell.
Live demonstrations will illustrate how divinely-inspired answers are also available to the collective through the use of the Enneagram, for such questions as “What must we consider in healing school violence?” “What is the answer for people of faith to the issue of the shrinking church?” and “How can we foster peace, as the global political and religious tensions rise?”
Workshops will be offered in such topics as:
- Enneagram & Estrangement
- Writing Down the Soul
- Enneagram & Family Dynamics
- Enneagram & Divorce
- Harmony & Life Transitions
- Enneagram & Parish Ministry
What to bring
- A photograph of yourself between the ages of one and five. This picture is to be used by you in the educational process, and is not intended to be shown to anyone else.
- It would be helpful for you to have a copy of Dr. Howell’s book, Becoming Conscious: The Enneagram’s Forgotten Passageway. It will be on sale at the conference or you may purchase a copy from Amazon, Balboa Press or an E-book from iTunes.
Principle presenter Dr. Joe Howell is a clinical psychologist in Anniston, AL, and a regionally-known expert on the Enneagram, which he has studied and taught for more than 28 years. He is the author of a book on the spirituality of the Enneagram, Becoming Conscious: The Enneagram’s Forgotten Passageway. A graduate of Samford University (B.A. 1971), Yale Divinity School (MAR 1974), The University of Virginia (Ph.D. 1978), and Fellow in Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School (1978-79), Dr. Howell has been practicing clinical psychology since 1980. He began his work on the Enneagram at the Jesuit Retreat House in Cleveland, OH with Patrick O’Leary and Maria Beesing in the mid-eighties. A couple of years later, he collaborated with Don Riso on his visits in Anniston where, as Dr. Howell’s guest, Riso presented the Enneagram to medical residents. Dr. Howell began teaching topics in spiritual development in the late eighties, and has traveled extensively presenting conferences and seminars in such disciplines as dream work, the Enneagram, levels of spiritual development, techniques in spiritual direction and the theology of Henri Nouwen, a mentor of Dr. Howell at Yale Divinity School.