Singing Creation: Exploring your Full Voice through Song

Why Not Sing? A Weekend Immersion in Community Singing When you get up in the morning, why not sing? When you’re sitting down for dinner, why not sing? When your heart is full of grief, you could find some relief If you sing, why not sing?                                                             – Barbara McAfee Singing is an ancient and …
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Worship Leader Training

Fast-Track Development With Andy Piercy (UK), Rachel Wilhelm (United Adoration), & Mike O’Brien (Vineyard) In this three-day seminar, Andy Piercy and friends will offer workshops and teaching for any active volunteer and staff worship leaders looking for practical and easily accessible advice to improve, deepen, and refresh their ministries. Join others involved in music ministry …
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Sacred Arts in a Pluralistic Society: An Inter-Religious Conference

Vancouver School of Theology Attend in person or via Zoom Access recordings through June 30 The creative visual, musical, literary, and performing arts help shape ideas and beliefs. Sometimes, art can communicate more quickly, powerfully, and universally than words can. Within spiritual traditions, arts express stories, attitudes, and emotions. Teachers use arts to introduce their …
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The Holy Spirit & the Arts

For centuries many have perceived a strong bond between the work of the Spirit and artistic creativity. Talk of inspiration, spirituality, and the life of the spirit abounds when the arts are in view. This course asks why this might be so. What is it about the arts that lends themselves so easily to “spirit-talk”, …
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Christian Poetics

Christian Poetics is an exploration of literary aesthetics, delving into what defines the nature and quality of literature. While this is primarily a course in literary criticism, students of art, literature, and culture will delight in discovering the interplay between form and function in the works of classical and Christian thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, …
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