Since the advent of modernity it has become increasingly common for people to view science and religion as being in conflict with one another. According to scientism and the new atheists, this is because the former relies on rationality and evidence, whilst the latter is the result of faith and superstition. In this course, we …
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Science and Theology
Since the advent of modernity it has become increasingly common for people to view science and religion as being in conflict with one another. According to scientism and the new atheists, this is because the former relies on rationality and evidence, whilst the latter is the result of faith and superstition. In this course, we …
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Science and Faith: What does Athens have to do with Jerusalem?
The early Christian writer Tertullian asked the question, “What does Athens have to do with Jerusalem?”, that is, what is the relationship between what we learn about the world by our own efforts (science) and what God has revealed to us (faith)? This course will explore that question by looking at areas where the conclusions …
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Christian Faith and Practice in a (Post)Modern World
While faith in Jesus Christ has never come easily, there are certain features of modern—and now purportedly “postmodern”—societies that seem to make Christian faith and discipleship particularly perplexing. These features are commonly discussed under the heading of “secularization,” a term which points to the fact that traditional Christian understanding and institutions have grown progressively less …
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The Mestizo Augustine on Health: Confessions, Therapy & Community
This course will present Augustine of Hippo’s (354-430) perspective on heart therapy and health as prescribed by his Confessions. Course will be taught in person at VST, and via Zoom for distance students (degree students must connect synchronously if studying via Zoom)
Hawking, Dawkins and God: Engaging Christian Theology with Science for Contemporary Mission & Ministry
This course will explore how Christian faith engages some of the big issues of modern science to enable theological reflection, effective apologetics and an exploration of science as gift. This course takes place in two locations: Calgary and Vancouver Students who take the course for audit or credit (1.5) participate in a May 27th Friday …
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Climate Change Basics for Community Resilience
Climate change is the most pressing global issue of our time. How humans have historically lived, played, and dreamed is changing. The impact of climate change is felt in every issue facing humanity: health, finance, security, migration, water supply, sanitation, food security, agriculture, and gender to name several. Given the integration of climate into every …
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For the Love of Creation Fall Symposium
A full-day virtual gathering to advance For the Love of Creation’s action on climate justice. The 2021 Fall Symposium will mark a key moment in the For the Love of Creation journey, in Canada’s climate plan, and in global climate action as we engage with COP 26 (November 2021). It is intended to bring together …
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Program Links
You will find links to all of Yale’s programs on this page.
Made in the Image and Likeness of God Retreat
We are often reminded that we are made in the image and likeness of God which is a message that we accept by faith. Yet, can this claim be supported with scientific evidence? Join us as we explore exciting discoveries about the human genome that uncover an ancient message coded in the DNA of every …
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