Mental Health and Conflict in Faith Communities–ONLINE

Facilitator: Marg Van Herk-Paradis As the awareness of mental health challenges grows in the church, church leaders require skills and tools to navigate the intersection between mental health and conflict. This two-morning workshop addresses such questions as, “How does mental health impact how we approach conflict?” and “What strategies and tools can be deployed when …
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Understanding Conflict Foundations–ONLINE

Facilitator: Marg Van Herk-Paradis or Betty Pries This highly interactive and educational workshop invites you to consider the building blocks that create conflict and those that assist or detract in conflict’s resolution. This four-morning workshop includes reflection, conversation, and exercises as conflicts are studied and models for addressing conflicts are considered. Significant time will be …
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Theology for a Global Church

In the 21st century, Christianity is a truly global religion. Christians are found across the world in countless cultures and contexts. This course explores the implications of this global reality for the practice of Christian ministry. Students will read a variety of theologians from non-western contexts to come to a greater understanding of the shape …
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Faithful Anti-Racism Leadership Development Cohorts

The Cohort application includes the following fields: Contact information for person and organization Describe cultural context Describe past learning about anti-racism List personal goals for participating in this program (in light of program objectives noted below) Participants will be contacted once admitted to a cohort and asked to sign a covenant of participation related to …
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“Spit and Mud: The Messy Miracle of Sight” (The Messy Miracle of Seeing Christian Racism)

How many times have you sung the words “I was blind but now I see?” If you’re like us, probably more times than you can remember, much less count. Have you ever stopped to think, though, “but now what?” What good is sight if it doesn’t give us vision? A vision for what’s really going …
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KAIROS Blanket Exercise Teaching & Sharing Circle

‘Building Positive Relationships between Indigenous & non-Indigenous Peoples’ Led by Indigenous Knowledge Keepers with extensive experience facilitating the KAIROS Blanket Exercise (KBE), these interactive Zoom-based sessions aim to build positive relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people through truth, sharing, and open dialogue. Based in Indigenous worldviews and using Indigenous teachings and protocols, this new series …
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KAIROS Blanket Exercise Teaching & Sharing Circle

‘Building Positive Relationships between Indigenous & non-Indigenous Peoples’ Led by Indigenous Knowledge Keepers with extensive experience facilitating the KAIROS Blanket Exercise (KBE), these interactive Zoom-based sessions aim to build positive relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people through truth, sharing, and open dialogue. Based in Indigenous worldviews and using Indigenous teachings and protocols, this new series …
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International Black Clergy Conference

[Episcopal News Service] The Rev. Ron Byrd Sr., The Episcopal Church’s missioner for Black Ministries, says the upcoming Nov. 10-12 International Black Clergy Conference will “get real” about transforming and empowering missional congregations, about facing common 21st-century challenges and even about the African diaspora itself. Bishops from Cuba, Colombia, Panama and Honduras will offer prerecorded …
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