Canadian Political Theology

What is Canadian Political Theology? Join hosts Jon Coutts and Ryan Turnbull as they and other expert presenters tackle various approaches to political theology and ask what, if anything, is distinctive about Canadian approaches to this tradition. New Leaf is excited to be offering this session of the Learning Centre in collaboration with Ambrose University. …
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Palestinian Theology in Context

Learn from Palestinian Christians by reading their theological contributions from the last 30 years. Deepen your understanding of the sociopolitical realities that contemporary Palestinians face while reflecting on the Palestinian Evangelical perspective. Together, we’ll explore major historical and theopolitical concerns, studying a theology of the land, the Kairos document, the relationship between the two testaments …
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Black Gospel Music–Not for credit

This course studies the black gospel tradition, focusing on the genre’s distinctive combination of sound and belief. Music, movement, and conviction, the three expressions gospel holds together, will be explored through three interpretive lenses: exemplary performers, pivotal periods, and formal processes. This week’s work will bring material and approaches from the fields of musicology, music …
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Living a Life of Forgiving: Honoring the Life, Ministry and Legacy of Archbishop Desmond Tutu–Not for credit

Our sense of “being” is grounded in a healthy self-esteem and satisfaction with our lives. These can be burdened by our feeling wounded with hidden grief and mourning. Today’s uncertainty and anxiety make it even more difficult for us to engage in self-care, and to theologically frame our understanding of self-care as something positive and …
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Jonathan Edwards, Race, and Slavery–Not for credit

This course will explore the views and practices of British-American theologian, revivalist, and missionary Jonathan Edwards on race and slavery in the contexts of the “vast Americas” in general and of colonial New England in particular, showing the growth of African slavery and the slave trade, biblical and theological justifications for them, and evolving racial …
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Canadian School of Peacemaking

Each year Canadian School of Peacebuilding (CSOP), an institute of Canadian Mennonite University, invites the peacebuilders of the world to gather in Winnipeg, Canada, for a selection of courses in June. Come take a course or two for professional and personal development or for academic credit. We offer courses from local, national and international peacebuilders, …
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“Palestine-Israel: Is this Settler Colonialism?”

with Esther Epp-Tiessen, Joanna Hiebert Bergen, Byron Rempel-Burkholder, and Kathy Bergen In recent years, many people have begun to describe the reality of Palestine-Israel as “settler colonialism”—a form of colonialism in which the settler colonists “come to stay” and to assert their sovereignty over Indigenous land and people. (Canada is also a settler colonial state). …
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Intersectionality & Justice

This class  will provide students with an introduction to intersectionality as a tool for social analysis and critical theological reflection, as a way to inform liberative praxis in various ministry and community contexts. We will engage questions and discussions of race, class, gender, and sexuality as they are treated theologically, emphasizing works from U.S. scholars …
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