Wilderness Calling: Trusting in Jesus The call of the wild! Doing ministry these days is like trekking into unknown territory. Join with leaders from a variety of congregations and experiences to explore this unmapped missional journey ahead. Let’s learn to navigate, watch for the signs of the Spirit’s leading and share ideas, best practices and …
View course details “Vital Church Maritimes 2021 Conference”
Exploring how Saints of the Church reflect our Baptismal Covenant
In our Creeds, we profess belief in “the communion of Saints”. This great cloud of witnesses represents the spectrum of humanity. One thing they all have in common is a deep desire to reflect the love of Christ themselves into the world in which they lived. This 5-week course will explore the lives of selected …
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Christian Left Conference: Rethinking the Christian Left from the Belly of Empire: Charting New Paths Beyond Colonization
What does it mean to speak of a Christian Left? Who is included under the label the Christian Left? In the last decades, the Christian left has been undergoing enormous reconfiguration: new actors, issues and concerns have uncovered the colonial underbelly of the Christian Left. From the Suffrage movements through to the Social Gospel, and …
View course details “Christian Left Conference: Rethinking the Christian Left from the Belly of Empire: Charting New Paths Beyond Colonization”
Organizational Leadership and Decision Making in a COVID-Shaped World
Using student submitted case studies from a variety of leadership settings and contexts, this course will engage students in curated conversations about effective leadership in an ever changing world. Students will engage focused and generative reading designed to spark their leadership imagination. These readings will be enhanced by engaging lecture material that seeks to encourage …
View course details “Organizational Leadership and Decision Making in a COVID-Shaped World”
Summer Courses for Calvin Theological Seminary
All of their courses are listed here for the summer session
New Leaf Design Shop for Church Planting
VISION We’re passionate about helping men and women start Jesus-centered communities of faith. For the past 10 years, we’ve had the honouring of equipping planters to join God’s mission in the renewal of all things, inviting others into compelling environments of shared life, radical discipleship and courageous mission. The New Leaf Design Shop has been …
View course details “New Leaf Design Shop for Church Planting”
Understanding Conflict Foundations
This highly interactive and educational workshop invites you to consider the building blocks that create conflict and those that assist or detract in conflict’s resolution. The workshop includes reflection, conversation, and exercises as conflicts are studied and models for addressing conflicts are considered. Significant time will be given to skill building for effective speaking and …
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Understanding Conflict (Advanced)
This workshop, uses the two lenses of conflict drivers and conflict paradoxes, and considers seemingly intractable conflicts and their transformation. Questions for consideration include the nature of intractability, de-escalation strategies, transforming intractable conflicts and engaging emotions. This workshop builds on Understanding Conflict: Foundations. It is highly interactive, insightful, engaging and critical for all those who wish …
View course details “Understanding Conflict (Advanced)”
Leading the Church Through Transformation, Change and Renewal ONLINE
This four-morning workshop is suitable for anyone involved in a leadership role in a congregation, and is not limited to pastoral staff, in fact bringing some key lay leaders may be beneficial to some congregations. Frequently we hear that people resist change. Does this have to be true? Could we find ways of engaging change, …
View course details “Leading the Church Through Transformation, Change and Renewal ONLINE”
Pastoral Response to Mental Health Practicing for Heaven: 1-Day Seminar
Mental Health Professionals are trained to treat issues hindering mental wellness from a starting point of diagnosing what is wrong to make interventions, a noble and helpful calling. Christian faith adds much by casting a vision for human flourishing grounded in God’s intent for those created in His Image. Christ who is the image of …
View course details “Pastoral Response to Mental Health Practicing for Heaven: 1-Day Seminar”