Benedictine Experience

September 18-25, 2012 BENEDICTINE EXPERIENCE Join us for a six-day experience of the Rule of St. Benedict. We will explore the values, insights and wisdom of the Rule. Participants will join the monks of Saint John’s Abbey and the Sisters of Saint Benedict’s Monastery for the Liturgy of the Hours. Leaders include members from both …
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Insights into Living

Exploring our Faith Insights into Living JOHN JERRY-ANTHONY PARENTE April 13-15, 2012 Fri 6:30 dinner thru Sun lunch Cost $365 Spirituality is about being vibrantly, creativity, holistically, fully alive! Drawing on Taoist, Zen, Hasidic, Sufi and Christian contemplative traditions to enliven, balance, simplify, focus and enjoy Life! As many westerns are feeling overwhelmed, stressed by …
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Directed Prayer Weekends

Directed Prayer Weekends Jesus said, “Come and see” to the disciples of John the Baptist when they asked where He lived because they wanted to find out who He was. The Directed Prayer Weekend is a time for you to ‘come and see’ for yourself and to meet God in a new and personal way. …
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Directed Prayer Weekends

Directed Prayer Weekends December 2-4, 2011 2011-$255 Cdn – Residential $155 Cdn – Commuter For more information please visit the website.

Leading Contemplative Prayer Groups and Retreats: The Group Leaders Program

Leading Contemplative Prayer Groups and Retreats Leading Contemplative Prayer Groups and Retreats: The Group Leaders Program Overview “The ultimate leader of the group is God’s Holy Spirit blowing through us… If people come ready to be vulnerable to God’s life in them and the world, if they desire more than fear God’s call to deepening …
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