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Learning to Grieve – One Day at a Time
There’s an elephant in the room, and its name is grief. We don’t know how to grieve, and we don’t understand it. Grief is not a race or an event. Grief is a process and is a natural response to loss. Grief happens one step at a time, one day at a time. This Workshop …
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Anger Iceberg
Getting Angry is only the tip of the Iceberg. Anger is a secondary emotion. Understanding the cause of anger is the first step to managing it. This Workshop will identify the causes of anger and explore our own beliefs and patterns of response. Learn how to respond to anger on a day-to-day basis in a …
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Sober October
Join the Rev. Erin Jean Warde in a 5-week study of her book, Sober Spirituality: The Joy of a Mindful Relationship with Alcohol. In this course, you’ll explore how alcohol affects us in mind, body, and soul, such that you will be encouraged to get prayerfully curious about how drinking shows up in your life, …
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If you are Happy and You Know It
True happiness is an internal job. It’s a conscious choice to focus on the positive and free ourselves from negative thinking. Follow your heart to a weekend at Mount Carmel and take yourself on a life journey to nourish, embrace and celebrate all that you are. Learn how to strengthen your foundation of happiness, and …
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God is eternal—all powerful, present everywhere and all-knowing. God has revealed Himself by speaking through prophets and the writers of Scripture. Learn lessons from the faith journey of the blind man, who Jesus healed in John 9. To REGISTER Call 905 356 4113 or email [email protected]
Supervised Ministry A: Contemplative Ministry
The class time of supervised Ministry A focuses upon the inner life of a pastor and Christian leader. We will be discerning God’s invitation to prayer at this particular point in time of our relationship with God, and what forms of prayer the Spirit might be inviting us to explore as a growth edge. We will …
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AUGUST SUMMER STILLNESS- a retreat for women
Relax, renew and reenergize in the tranquil and welcoming environment of Mount Carmel. The August theme is: RECOGNIZING, LIBERATING AND HONOURING OUR PERSONAL POWER. Themes will include: where it may have been distorted through people pleasing and lack of boundaries; the importance of our spiritual practices in maintaining our connection with the Source of our …
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Stop and smell the roses–Treasure today retreat
Spending time in the past or in the future is something we all struggle with. When we do this too often, we rob ourselves of living in the here and now. This weekend is an opportunity to disconnect from the outside world and to slow down. Being present means not only appreciating the moment you …
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The Seeking Heart A Contemplative and Spiritual Approach to Mission and Life
Are you interested in exploring a more prayerful approach to engaging in God’s mission? Do you have the desire to live out God’s mission in a way that both positively impacts your community and renews your spirit? Join Ian Mobsby, community missioner in the Anglican Diocese of Niagara and author of the upcoming book The …
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