Leading with Hope in Anxious Times: Renew, Resourcing Pastors and Church Leaders for Ministry

Throughout the Old and New Testaments, people have turned to God for hope when they were anxious or disquieted (Psalm 42:11). Today, we live in disquieting times. As pastors, church leaders, and congregations, we may feel a vague sense of guilt over our inability to right wrongs of the past. We may also be disquieted …
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Healthcare and the Christian Life

What features define human life? How do individuals and communities understand and withstand suffering and pain? What is good dying? In our time, these essential human questions are often viewed primarily as bioethics issues. In reality, these are not exclusively medical or bioethical enquiries. Rather, they are questions that all human individuals and societies ultimately …
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Flourishing Together: Becoming an Accessible and Welcoming Church

An application-based seminar on faithful ministry to, with, and by people with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Churches are incomplete without the presence, gifts, and friendship of people with disabilities. Yet many congregations still struggle to gather and worship in ways that welcome these indispensable members. How can our churches become communities of belonging for children and adults …
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Forgiveness–What is it and why is it so hard?

Have you experienced deep disappointment, hurt or betrayal in an important relationship? Do you continue to suffer from a conflict or trauma that occurred long ago? Are unresolved issues affecting your health, finances or relationships? This interactive workshop identifies the stumbling blocks to forgiveness, and then provides positive, practical methods to work through anger, blame …
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Ministering by Word and Example

This program engages students in theory, theology, practice, reflection, and action in ways that are useful for ministerial formation in a variety of learning contexts. This program: Explores the foundations for diaconal service in the Anglican tradition Develops capacity for Biblical and theological reflection; pastoral and social responses, especially with vulnerable people; and leadership in …
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Understanding Addiction and Supporting Recovery: Strategies & Tools

This program melds our baptismal commitment “to seek and serve Christ in all persons” and “to respect the dignity of every human being” with a longing to increase understanding about those who are predisposed to addictions and to offer them a path to recovery and wholeness. Grounded in scripture, tradition and reason, this training helps …
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Living with Loss

Grief is a deeply personal process but does not have to be endured alone. This six-week online support group will create space for reflection and expression to help us cope with loss. Co-facilitated by Trinity Church Wall Street and the Psychotherapy and Spirituality Institute (PSI).