Congregational Mission

Pastoral leaders face the challenge and opportunity of leading parishes and congregations in mission. This course will introduce students to ideas and practices informed by the missio dei (the Mission of God), for the support of congregational mission. Themes covered will include the spirituality of mission, neighbourhood engagement, eucharistic missiology, and new monasticism.  

Eco-Justice & Spirituality

Code: SP/PT514 Dates: January 18, 2021 – April 9, 2021 on Wednesdays Time: 9:00 am for 3 Hours One way to define spirituality is  “an exploration into what is involved in becoming human,” describing “becoming human” as “an attempt to grow in sensitivity to self, to others, to the non-human creation, and to God who …
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Regent College Full Course Catalogue

Al of their courses should be visible in this online catalogue, from all of their different educational streams. (The URL for this is for the Winter Program; for a general listing, go to

Images of Diakonia: Interpreting the Sacred in Church and the World

Diaconal ministry has at its heart connecting Christian scripture and tradition with the needs, hopes and concerns of the world. Using a framework of five key images, students will strengthen awareness of the sacred in the Church and the wider community, invigorate their practice of diakonia, and gain confidence in engaging others to do the …
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‘Tell Me Something Good,’ a new web series

Tell Me Something Good, a new web series from The Episcopal Church, highlights positive stories from around the church through conversations with a variety of guests. New episodes of Tell Me Something Good will be released every two weeks. Episode 1 is available for viewing on The Episcopal Church website here, on Facebook here, and on Instagram TV, @theepiscopalchurch. …
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