Mentored Ministry 2

PAST 4023 This course guides students in the formation of pastoral identity and in the development of ministry skills.  This will be accomplished in class through the integration of theory and theology under the direction of the professor, and within a healthy local church or other approved ministry setting, under the mentorship of a pastor …
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Mentored Ministry 1

This course guides students in the formation of pastoral identity and in the development of ministry skills.  This will be accomplished in class through the integration of theory and theology under the direction of the professor, and within a healthy local church under the mentorship of a pastor. Minimum of 240 in-ministry hours required. May …
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Introduction to Chaplaincy

CHAP 5023 An overview of the profession of chaplaincy, exploring the diversity that exists in this ministry. A variety of specialists will be involved in the course instruction through discipline-specific didactics, including prison chaplains, airport chaplains, military chaplains, university chaplains, and chaplains who are involved in the business, sport, and healthcare sectors. Students will be …
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Aging Gracefully

We often think of aging gracefully as “looking old, but still holding on” or “showing signs of aging, but still moving forward with life.” Aging gracefully is not all about age or appearance, but also about the attitude we have as we go through the various stages of life. Explore how our feelings about aging …
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1, 2, 3 John

Deepen your knowledge of the Johannine Epistles with this exegetical, theological, and pastoral study of 1, 2, and 3 John. Encounter the God of Love in these short but meaty letters and develop your exegetical skills, seeking to apply John’s instruction to our context today. In-Person, Online & Recorded: This course is being offered in-person at …
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Longing for Shalom: Musical Lament in the Christian Imagination

Explore how lament deepens and enriches the Christian longing for shalom, God’s setting right of the world. Together we’ll study various artists who have utilized the biblical categories of shalom and lament to develop a complex language of grief and lamentation—particularly through music. Discover the centrality of hope in these artistic responses, hope that emerges …
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Come Holy Spirit: The Paraclete in Creation, Church, and Believer

The ministry of the Holy Spirit is foundational to the life and mission of the church and the experience of each Christian believer. Deepen your understanding of this while navigating questions and complexities about the Spirit’s work in a manner that reflects biblical witness and the church’s creedal heritage. Walk away with heightened appreciation for …
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The Diaconal Hemeneutic

As we live into the fourth wave of the current renewal of the Sacred Order of Deacons in The Episcopal Church, we are gaining greater clarity about the distinctive nature of the “full and equal order,” and we are increasingly able and willing to invite the gift of prophetic servant leadership. At the heart of …
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