This course is about how to rethink the basics of reflecting the Gospel into others’ lives. Students will gain practical skills – and a specific method – to build sermons that work from both the pulpit and the smartphone. They will also be led through the ways that Digital Ministry has impacted traditional liturgy, and …
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Introduction to Liturgical Leadership
This course will examine the liturgical principles underlying the planning process for Episcopal Church worship, with specific emphasis on the 1979 Book of Common Prayer. This course will offer students a foundation for planning and leading worship services in the Episcopal Church. We will look at issues which influence the planning of any given service, …
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Church History: Wisdom of Mission Today
This course will explore the history of Christianity by focusing on snapshots of it in different times and places, by attending to its diversity over time, by encountering contrasting historical figures in its history, by asking what “salvation” meant and what “mission” consisted of in each of these times and places, and by pondering how …
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Anticipating Gratitude: Living Our Thanks in Advent Q&A with Diana Butler Bass
We often think of gratitude as thanks for something after it happens. But what does it mean to live a life of thanks in anticipation of our deepest hopes and longings? Advent invites us into this holiness practice. Online presentation and Q&A with Diana Butler Bass, award-winning author, popular speaker, inspiring preacher, and one of …
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Listening for God: A Workshop on Discerning Vocation in Everyday Living
Saturday, January 16, 2021, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Online via Zoom $75 ($65 early bird price available until 12/18/20) Should I choose this path rather than that one? What is the meaning of the experience I am having? How can I follow Christ more faithfully? What would that even mean? Start your new year …
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Leading Beyond the Blizzard: Workshops for faith-based organizations
It is true that Faith-Based Organizations in Canada are facing an uncertain future. As we enter these uncharted territories, it is becoming more and more evident that we need to draw from our collective wisdom to meet the challenges at hand. We hope that this series of workshops will help gather FBOs, create space to …
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Flourishing in Ministry: A Circle of Trust® Experience for Ministry Leaders: Cohort #3 (formerly Maryland)
This is an invitation to step away from your daily work to explore your inner life, to reconnect with your calling and passion, and to join a global movement that believes that leadership begins from the heart of who you are. This is a different kind of leader development program. There are no assessments, instruments, …
View course details “Flourishing in Ministry: A Circle of Trust® Experience for Ministry Leaders: Cohort #3 (formerly Maryland)”
“But I’m an Anglican!” Sharing our faith with confidence
The fourth Missional Leadership event for leaders in the Diocese of Rupert’s Land About this Event As Canadian Anglicans, we’re often uneasy when it comes to sharing our faith with others. Yet as leaders in our parishes and ministries, we want to be able to do this ourselves so that we can help equip others …
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Wise Women and Spirituality
OVERVIEW Howard Thurman reminds us, ”How good it is to center down!” – reflecting on the hunger deep in our spirits for the “still moment and the resting lull,” the space where balance can emerge. But in these unprecedented times, the tasks pile on – the care for home, work, and others – while at …
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Ministry Leadership: Skills, Tools, and Theology for Church Leaders
Change seems to be the only constant in today’s culture, and this is true in the Church as well. Course participants will learn solid management tools including governance and polity through volunteer and disciple management. From there, we will engage with the latest writings on adaptive and transformative leadership theories and models and critically examine …
View course details “Ministry Leadership: Skills, Tools, and Theology for Church Leaders”