Faith doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Too often, though, we fail to recognize the important interplay between faith, culture, and mental health. Join us as we dive into a rich and complex exploration of the things that make us who we are, both as individuals and as a church. What is culture, and where does …
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Spiritual Friendship
The Bible uses a number of images to represent friendship, including the beautiful picture of the knitting together of souls (1 Sam 18:1). This splendid image captures the essence of spiritual friendship: intimacy, loyalty, intentional connection, and a relationship undertaken in the presence of Christ. Spiritual friendship is an ancient practice. While theological reflection on …
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Creative Journaling: Philosophers found
“Don’t explain your philosophy. Embody it.” Epictetus Quotes are inspiring and have been an integral part of our journal classes. They originate from a variety of philosophers, past and present. Join us as we delve beyond the words that move us to understand what may have inspired these people and the phrases that resonate with …
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Head, Heart, and Hands: Creative Spirituality
As people created in God’s image, we are made to be creators too. How can what we make with our hands connect us spiritually to ourselves, to God, and to each other? Longtime Sorrento leader David Taylor and weaving teacher Ali Hurlburt are teaming up to offer a course combining spiritual reflection and hands-on crafting. …
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Good bye stress–Hello Life!
We live in a fast-paced society with a seemingly endless list of demands. Life naturally brings its share of challenges and stress. The key is to move forward so that stress doesn’t impact other areas of your life. Stress affects us all, but why exactly do we feel it and what causes it? This Workshop …
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Singing in the Rain–the Art of Positive Thinking
The storms of life are constant.We all face adversity in our lives. How we react to it will determine our joy and happiness. Positive thinking doesn’t mean that you ignore life’s stressors. Positive thinking means that you approach difficulties in a more optimistic and productive way. Thinking often starts with self-talk. Self-talk can be positive …
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Free to be me
What is preventing you from accepting yourself just as you are? Many of us spend so much time trying to be someone else rather than being ourselves. Rather than comparing our lives and experiences to others -we should embrace and enjoy the things that make us who we are! The most important relationship that you …
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When bad things happen, what is our reaction? Do we trust God even when we don’t understand? When difficult things happen, we begin to doubt God’s concern for us or His control over our lives. But when times are hard, when the world feels like it’s caving in on us — it’s even more important …
Certificates on Christianity and Mental Health
What does it mean to flourish as a whole person, made in the image of God? Conversations about mental health have become more visible in recent years, as scientific advances and social upheavals alike have cast new light on our inner struggles. These conversations aren’t easy or one-dimensional: they can encompass everything from everyday stress, …
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Seeking Sanctuary, Finding Shalom: Love, Community, and the Lived Experience of Mental Health Challenges
This course will provide a unique blend of theology and practice focused around the lived experience of people with mental health challenges. We will develop a hospitable interdisciplinary dialogue within which different dimensions of the healing process of mental health care can come together with a view to exploring the theology, psychology and lived experience …
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