A baseline awareness of trauma and the effects of trauma are necessary for ministry today in a wide range of settings. This course equips leaders to support hope, healing, and resilience through bringing aspects of trauma studies to bear on the practice of preaching. Prerequisites: HOM500 or with permission of instructor. This class is only available …
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Learning to Grieve – One Day at a Time
There’s an elephant in the room, and its name is grief. We don’t know how to grieve, and we don’t understand it. Grief is not a race or an event. Grief is a process and is a natural response to loss. Grief happens one step at a time, one day at a time. This Workshop …
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Sober October
Join the Rev. Erin Jean Warde in a 5-week study of her book, Sober Spirituality: The Joy of a Mindful Relationship with Alcohol. In this course, you’ll explore how alcohol affects us in mind, body, and soul, such that you will be encouraged to get prayerfully curious about how drinking shows up in your life, …
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Trauma-Informed Care and Ministry
What does it look like to care for communities in the wake of mass trauma, such as gun violence, the pandemic, or racism? How can churches rebuild trust with individuals who have experienced trauma as part of their religious experiences? In this track, you will learn from skilled practitioners and Candler School of Theology professors …
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Pastoral Care
This course will provide a theological foundation to undergird practical theology courses at Regent. It will offer a vision for church ministry that is theologically grounded in the essentials of the historic Christian faith. The creative, redemptive, and perfecting works of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are the source of the church’s life and …
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Happiness and the Good Life
What is happiness? And how, if at all, is it related to goodness? In this course, we examine classic and contemporary responses to these questions. Our approach will be guided by the three Anglican sources for theological reflection: scripture, tradition, and reason. We begin with recent insights on the nature of happiness from positive psychology (Christopher Peterson …
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Loving and Respecting Yourself
Respecting and loving yourself does not make you conceited or self-centered. It is about achieving a deep sense of self-worth and self-love. It is about making the right decisions and taking the right steps when it comes to your life. This Workshop will guide you with tools on how to begin this process. We will …
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Religion at Ground Zero
Where was God when this happened?! How can religious people commit such atrocities?! What can a religious leader say after such a horrendous event?! This course explores such questions by analyzing theological responses to human tragedy and cultural shock. Discussion will attend to issues of theodicy, religious terrorism and natural disasters through the perspectives of …
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Trauma and Colonialism: Transformational Teachings
Trauma research clearly outlines the impact of colonialism on First Nations peoples of North America. This course will examine the neurobiology of trauma and the spiritual aspect of colonialism as a curse. The unity of ancestral law and the teachings of Christ are a solid resource for healing, wholeness and wellness.
Mental Health Care in the Church
This micro-credential course explores the intersection of mental health and faith-based communities. Students will understand common symptoms, typical course of treatment, and possible complications of the major categories of mental illness. Additionally, students will create a model for a nurturing church environment as a supportive hub for mental health.