Beyond Culture Wars Fostering Solidarity in an Age of Polarization Conference

Martin Luther University College and the Institute for Christian Studies will present the conference, “Beyond Culture Wars: Fostering Solidarity in an Age of Polarization.” Hosted at the campus of Martin Luther University College (Wilfrid Laurier University), this event will be an education and discussion forum for faith communities, and for the larger public, to counter …
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Sacred Arts in a Pluralistic Society: An Inter-Religious Conference

Vancouver School of Theology Attend in person or via Zoom Access recordings through June 30 The creative visual, musical, literary, and performing arts help shape ideas and beliefs. Sometimes, art can communicate more quickly, powerfully, and universally than words can. Within spiritual traditions, arts express stories, attitudes, and emotions. Teachers use arts to introduce their …
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Online Digital Marketing Lunch and Learn

A series of Mini Workshops by Marketing Experts. In preparation for the Advent/Christmas season you are invited to consider how marketing tools can assist you. Industry experts will walk you through concepts to support your marketing efforts. All levels are encouraged to attend.

Making Meaning in a time of Media Polarization

An Inter-Religious Conference Available via online, in-person, and hybrid formats Conference Theme Religious and spiritual teachers help people interpret their experiences and find meaning in their lives. This work is urgently needed in our time. Radio, television, and news groups sow polarization. Social media cultivates outrage. In the public sphere, disinformation mixes freely with information. …
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Genuine Online Relationships

In a post-lockdown church, online community has become a common reality. Most churches are offering ministry online, whether it be a weekly email, a Facebook group, online studies, or live-streaming worship. In this course, students will consider how to widen ministry beyond the walls and into their online community. Readings will include case studies as …
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Image and Word: Theological Reflections on Media and Culture

We live in an image-saturated society—“an empire of signs”—in which discerning the difference between truth and illusion, fantasy and reality, is becoming an ever more difficult task. As communications media and powerful computer technologies converge, and invade and define ever greater areas of daily life, there are those who would argue that it’s a hopeless, …
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