Winter 2016: January 25- March 14, 2016 Biblical Heroines with Dr. Sandra Collins Church History: Wisdom for Mission Today with Dr. Bradley Peterson Facing Choices: Ethics in the Anglican Tradition with the Rev. Dr. Austin Leininger What We Believe: Theology in the Anglican Tradition with the Rev. Dr. John Kater Born of Water, Born of …
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Catechumenate: Adult Christian Formation
Catechumenate: Adult Christian Formation The catechumenate is a process for adult Christian formation dating back to the early days of the church. This formational process has been reclaimed by the church as a way to prepare adults for baptism, as well as for confirmation and reception into the Episcopal Church. This course will examine the …
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Imagine Justice
Innovative RJ Lecture On Thursday October 1st, 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm: Join us for a conversation about the role of art in re-imagining justice at the University of Ottawa, Fauteux Hall, room 137. Our public lecture will see Jamie Scott deliver a ‘Restorative Justice 101’ introducing you to the philosophical, theoretical, and practical underpinnings of restorative …
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Christ, Culture and Mission in Appalachia: Immersion Seminar
April 27-May 12, 2016 Hosted by Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, GA, and sponsored by AMERC This is a 17-day immersion into the North Carolina Cherokee Nation and the coal-producing and agricultural counties of southeast Kentucky. The residential bases will be Cherokee, NC, and Berea, Hindman, and Pine Mountain, KY. The group will engage in on-site interactions …
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Fierce Landscapes: Listening to the People of Appalachia
January 1-11, 2016 Hosted by Wake Forest Divinity School, Winston-Salem, NC and sponsored by AMERC This 12-day immersion is followed by 3-4 interactive distance learning sessions and a 15-20 page integrative paper. The immersion finds its home among the people of Western North Carolina and Southwest Virginia. Students will enjoy on-site interactions with congregations, …
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Cuba Study Trip
CUBA STUDY TRIP January 2-9, 2016 Meet with Cuban youth, leaders, health workers, artists and others who are transforming their communities. Visit churches and social change organizations and see, first-hand, the vibrant hope and spiritually of the Cuban people! Discover the rich fabric of Cuban culture through jazz, concerts, the ballet, museum visits, lectures, and …
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Parlons de la vie d’Église — L’animation spirituelle
Parlons de la vie d’Église — L’animation spirituelle Une série d’ateliers en français en ligne Ces ateliers s’adressent à toute personne intéressée aux questions d’animation et de leadership en français au sein de l’Église Unie ou d’autres Églises chrétiennes. Si vous parlez le français couramment ou au niveau intermédiaire, vous êtes invités à participer. …
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God in a Post-Religious Time
God in a Post-Religious Time with Diana Butler Bass October 19, 9 am – 12:30 pm Chapel of the Epiphany, 6030 Chancellor Boulevard on the UBC campus Co-sponsored by Vancouver School of Theology, Christ Church Cathedral, St Andrew’s-Wesley United Church, St Andrew’s Hall, and The Anglican Diocese of New Westminster. The headlines …
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Jesus at the Turning of the Ages
JESUS AT THE TURNING OF THE AGES “Jesus at the Turning of the Ages” is a free, online course for everyone offered in the Fall of 2015 by Wycliffe College. The course will help you read the books of the New Testament as they would be read, in light of Jesus’ resurrection, in the …
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2015 Society of Biblical Literature Meeting
Society of Biblical Literature Meetings 2015 ANNUAL MEETING Atlanta, Georgia, USA November 21-24,2015 For more information please visit the website.