Learn from industry experts about Gen Z and Gen Alpha and what that means for your youth ministry context today in this masterclass webinar! Do you sometimes scratch your head trying to understand the younger generations? Are there ways we can reach them to tell them about Jesus? If so, how? The good news is …
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The Fifth Evangelist: The Sacred Repertoire of J.S. Bach
On May 22, 1723, J.S. Bach moved to Leipzig to take up a posting as director of music at St. Thomas Church, beginning 27 years of vigorous musical output in that city. Over that time, Bach composed, performed, and directed some of the most famous sacred music in the western tradition. Through it all, the …
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The Connectors is a group that journeys over the course of 12 months to explore fresh approaches to flourishing ministry. It involves reflection, prayer, discussion, study, goal-setting, trying out missional initiatives, mutual peer support and more! ü Do you sense that God is nudging you to try something new? ü Do you wish to reach …
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A Christianity to Call Home
Recent census data reveals that over half of the population in BC identify as ‘no religion.’ People who have spent some or all of their life in Christianity feel less and less at home there. For 60 years, many have imagined that Christianity isn’t so much dying as going through a once in an epoch …
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Changing Church: Missional Practices and/for Beloved Community
What does it mean to lead during a time of religious, sociocultural, and environmental upheaval? What can churches do differently to better reflect and nurture gospel values and God’s dream of a just, reconciled, Spirit-filled world? This course in missional leadership will ask these and related questions. We will explore concepts and experience practices of …
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reconnect & reframe for the future
Faithfully living out God’s missional call today requires us to see ministry and congregational life in fresh ways. Join in a series of online conversations to discover how to reframe our perspectives and reconnect with our neighbours in order to grow and flourish. reconnect & reframe is a learning and exploring partnership between the Diocese …
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Congregational Growth and Evangelism with The Rev. Dr. Grayhame Bowcott
Explore the relationships between congregational vitality, membership growth and the Christian Gospel in a course designed upon research studying numerically growing Anglican congregations in Southwestern Ontario. An ideal course for church leaders desiring to see their communities foster new relationships, explore new missional ministries or even revitalize the existing community with a focus on discipleship. …
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Message of Mission
God is present and active in the world, reconciling, healing, and saving all of creation. By the grace of God, we participate in what God is already doing. Using the Book of Acts as a model for contemporary ministry in the communities in which God has planted us, students are equipped to witness and serve …
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Introduction to Preaching and Worship
Preaching Preaching has, all too often, been taught either as a detached expository process with little critical reflection on culture and mission, or else as an attractional approach that spares little time for scripture. Both paradigms tend to produce preaching that is individualistic and rationalistic. This course explores another way: a missional approach to preaching …
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Leadership for the Church in a Secular Age
What does it mean to be a Christian—and the church—in our secular age? More specifically, what does it look like to provide leadership for a church that responds with Christian integrity and missional effectiveness to our current social, cultural and political contexts? Examine a diverse range of historical sources providing unique insight into the meaning …
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