The Connectors is a group that journeys over the course of 12 months to explore fresh approaches to flourishing ministry. It involves reflection, prayer, discussion, study, goal-setting, trying out missional initiatives, mutual peer support and more! ü Do you sense that God is nudging you to try something new? ü Do you wish to reach …
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Changing Church: Missional Practices and/for Beloved Community

What does it mean to lead during a time of religious, sociocultural, and environmental upheaval? What can churches do differently to better reflect and nurture gospel values and God’s dream of a just, reconciled, Spirit-filled world? This course in missional leadership will ask these and related questions. We will explore concepts and experience practices of …
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Congregational Growth and Evangelism with The Rev. Dr. Grayhame Bowcott

Explore the relationships between congregational vitality, membership growth and the Christian Gospel in a course designed upon research studying numerically growing Anglican congregations in Southwestern Ontario. An ideal course for church leaders desiring to see their communities foster new relationships, explore new missional ministries or even revitalize the existing community with a focus on discipleship. …
View course details “Congregational Growth and Evangelism with The Rev. Dr. Grayhame Bowcott”

Message of Mission

God is present and active in the world, reconciling, healing, and saving all of creation. By the grace of God, we participate in what God is already doing. Using the Book of Acts as a model for contemporary ministry in the communities in which God has planted us, students are equipped to witness and serve …
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